Excel Electrical Infra

Excel Electrical Infra

AC Harmonics #4

In an electrical system, a component of the current or voltage which does not consist of the fundamental frequency is harmonic. Source of harmonic content in the systems are power electronic equipment, non-linear load, surge, saturated magnetic material, and inrush currents.

In general, any nonsinusoidal can be expressed as a Fourier series :

Fourier series in equation (1) can express as follow


Using equation (2), RMS voltage is :

Here, $V_{1rms}$ component is with the fundamental frequency. So, only $V_{1rms}$ is desirable and other components are considered as harmonics.

In equation(8) $V_{oh}$ is the RMS value of harmonic content in the waveform. Dividing equation (8) with respect to the RMS value of the fundamental component will give total harmonic distortion (THD).

where g is the distortion factor 

Displacement factor (DF) (Fundamental power factor)

Where, $\theta_1$ is angle between $V_{1rms}$ and $I_{1rms}$

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